Of ,16,500 human genes with highconfidence orthologs in at least two other species, 400 genes showed significant evidence of positive selection (FDR,005), according to a standard likelihood ratio test An additional 144 genes showed evidence of positiveIn a retrospective cohort of SLNpositive adults treated at 21 institutions in Australia, Europe, and the United States from June 17 to November 19, the authors evaluated the impact of active surveillance and adjuvant therapy on allsite recurrencefree survival (RFS), isolated nodal RFS, distant metastasisfree survival (DMFS), and DSS using KaplanMeier curves and CoxTwo types of positive tone resists were lithographically evaluated using the 2484 nm emission of a krypton fluoride (KrF) excimer laser by contact printing These

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Citation évaluation positive-01/12/16 · Objectives The purpose of this study was to understand how staff responded to individualised patient falls prevention education delivered as part of a cluster randomised trial, including how they perceived the education contributed to falls prevention on their wards Design A qualitative explanatory study Methods 5 focus groups were conducted at participatory hospitalIEEE ACCESS 1 The Role of Positive and Negative Citations in Scientific Evaluation Xiaomei Bai, Ivan Lee, Zhaolong Ning, Amr Tolba, Feng Xia Abstract—Quantifying the impact

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Show citation Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program Based on the Repertory Grid Test Daniel T L Shek 1,2,3,4,5 Because the repertory grid techniques have been rarely used in the evaluation of positive youth development programs, the present attempt is a pioneering effort in the literatureGoogle Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions30/01/12 · Both facilitators and program participants reported the Good Lives approach module's impact in a positive, futurefocused manner In contrast, those who attended the Relapse Prevention module did not report their perceptions and motivations in a manner that was focused on the positives in their future as frequently as those who attended the module with the Good Lives
INTRODUCTION Patients with human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)positive breast cancer have a poor prognosis Despite proven efficacy with the standard of care, trastuzumab, most patients with HER2positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) will eventually progress, requiring further intervention to prolong lifeAnd we refer the citation as a positive COI, with its citation citations for objective evaluation of scholarly article impact, " Plos One, vol 11, no 9, p e, 1602/12/1998 · Statistical Evaluation Detection rate is defined as the number of cancers found in participants who were screened in one round, in this case during the prevalence screen Positive predictive values (ie, the proportion of those with a positive test who are diagnosed with prostate cancer) were calculated as described previously ( 13)

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In 28 cases where a sentinel lymph node evaluation was performed, only 1 was found to be positive Among the 40 cases with at least residual DCIS in the excision, there were 5 cases in which comedopattern DCIS was present in the excision but not in the core biopsy, attributed to the lower maximal nuclear grade in the biopsy proliferation in 4 cases and the absence of centralUsing positive tainting and syntaxaware evaluation to counter SQL injection attacks Pages 175–185 The evaluation was a complete success wasp successfully and efficiently stopped all of the attacks without generating any false positivesThe revised ICH E14 document allows the use of exposureresponse analysis to exclude a small QT effect of a drug If plasma concentrations exceeding clinically relevant levels is achieved, a positive control is not required In cases when this cannot be achieved, there may be a need for metrics to protect against falsenegative results

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01/12/1986 · It has been suggested that positive expiratory pressure may assist the clearance of bronchial secretions in the treatment of cystic fibrosis It has been compared with currently used postural drainage techniques Three treatment regimens were compared in 18 patients with cystic fibrosis Treatment A consisted of breathing exercises emphasising inspiration, interspersed withWith higher education, university graduates are important elements of the labor force in knowledgebased economies With reference to the mental health and developmental problems in university students, there is a need to review university's role in nurturing holistic development of students Based on the positive youth development approach, it is argued that promoting intrapersonalUsing positive tainting and syntaxaware evaluation to counter SQL injection attacks (06) by William G J Halfond, Alessandro Orso, Panagiotis Manolios Venue

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Sizable shifts in the oscillation frequency of a He–Ne laser with variations in the dc discharge current have been observed The shifting effects are believed to be due principally to changes in the populations of the helium 2 3 S level and the neon 1s 5 level A simplified model is proposed for the approximate evaluation of these populations04/11/13 · Although citation analysis may be simple to apply, it should be used with caution to avoid it coming under disrepute through uncritical use 3 Ideally, citation analysis should be performed to supplement, not replace, a robust system of expert review to determine the actual quality and impact of published research 8 Future of citation analysis01/02/03 · Objectives To determine the prevalence and treatment outcomes among young women screened opportunistically for genital Chlamydia trachomatis and to evaluate the impact of screening in those participating Design An opportunistic screening programme (1 September 1999 to 31 August 00) using urine samples, tested by ligase chain reaction (LCR) Indepth

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01/03/19 · Results We estimated the cost of the chlamydia retest pathway, including treatment/followup call, to be between £45 and £70 per completed test At the lower end, this compared favourably to the cost of a clinicbased screen Cost per retest positive was £3–£607 After adjusting for incomplete uptake, and nonreturn of postal kits, the cost rose to £109–£2This alert has been successfully added and will be sent to You will be notified whenever a record that you have chosen has been cited Towards information retrieval evaluation with reduced and only positive judgements Pages 109–112Evaluation of environmental attitudes Analysis and results of a scale applied to university students Science Education, 91(6), 9–1009 doi/sce218 * Note For more information on the different types of journal article citations that can be made under APA 7, see section 101 of the Publication Manual, pp

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